ESCO Accreditation Experience Around the World

An Energy Service Company (ESCO) accreditation process can be implemented in an Energy Efficiency (EE) market to assess and accredit all companies wishing to operate as ESCOs and implement contracts that include performance conditions. Accreditation provides recognition of a firm’s competence in fulfilling certain standards of performance and is based on a review of certain of its activities but not all.

11 May, 2021 15:00

An Energy Service Company (ESCO) accreditation process can be implemented in an Energy Efficiency (EE) market to assess and accredit all companies wishing to operate as ESCOs and implement contracts that include performance conditions. Accreditation provides recognition of a firm’s competence in fulfilling certain standards of performance and is based on a review of certain of its activities but not all. Indeed, accreditation is quite different from certification guaranteeing the an organization’s qualifications. Accredita­tion helps create a trusting environment that supports both the development of an Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) market and the ESCO selection process, thus provid­ing owners with the ability to make an informed selection.

Many countries have established several country-based accreditation programs. While each program is unique, and each provides certain attributes that may be desirable to an organization establishing an accreditation program, it is recommended that accreditation program developers select criteria that are most appropriate for their particular ESCO markets.

Timothy Unruh and Pierre Langlois share their long-standing experience and views in the ESCO sector on how accreditation is central to the building of a healthy ESCO business environment and how countries have succeeded, and also failed, to establish solid accreditation, what it entails, and how the ESCO sector itself can help improving the accreditation systems.

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