The converging agendas of climate change and Energy Service Companies

4 November, 2021 09:30 - 4 November, 2021 10:30
COP26 (Blue Zone), United Kingdom

Partners: SE4All, Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO)

Energy Service Companies – ESCOs – deploy a business model directly responding to the global climate change challenge.  By directly using energy savings to pay for the cost of equipment and infrastructure that creates those savings, ESCOs challenge the mantra that emissions reduction comes at a cost that many, particularly in developing countries, are unable to carry.  In the business of climate change, ESCOs deliver some of the best returns on investment, reducing energy consumption while combating excess GHG emissions as a significant co-benefit.

ESCOs are not always well recognized as an industry, nor entrenched in national policies. Nowhere has their full potential been unleashed and in many places they struggle to find foothold. Where they are thriving, it is rarely a result of dedicated policies that see reduced energy expenses as an investable asset class.

The growing urgency of decisive responses to a rapidly changing climate suggests a prominent role for energy efficiency and, as its agents, the global ESCO community in the global climate change agenda. This panel discussion lines out the modest requirements for establishing an ESCO ecosystem that will unleash the energy efficiency potentials commonly alluded to, but rarely concretized in NDCs.

Thematic orientation:

By 2030, double the global rate of energy efficiency improvements through dedicated deployment of the ESCO business model, ensuring that EE investments are made to pay for themselves

Target Audience:

Policy makers in diverse regulatory fields such as climate change, environment, procurement, public management, energy regulation, product standardization and tax and accounting. Suppliers of energy-efficient equipment. Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), energy auditors and national and international financiers.


To inspire government actions for scaling up the contribution of ESCOs to the global response for mitigating the threat of climate change and the goals set out by the Paris Agreement, underscoring that the Energy Service Company as a single, unifying business concept for energy efficiency overcomes the fragmentation of the energy efficiency agenda while requiring only a few, coherent policy initiatives to thrive.

Expected outcomes:

An understanding among participating stakeholders that their responsibility is to deliver each their part of an ESCO ecosystem that will set in motion a wave of energy efficiency investments and that the regulators’ task is to provide the right space for the energy efficiency professionals to deliver their services.

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COP26 (Blue Zone)
United Kingdom