International ESCO Symposium 2024 – Programme


08:30 Registration and Coffee

09:00 Welcoming remarks by Global ESCO Network, NAESCO and International Copper Association

  • Søren Lütken – Co-chair of the Global ESCO Network, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
  • Timothy Unruh – Executive Director, National Association of Energy Service Companies (US)
  • Steven Kukoda – Vice President / Executive Director, International Copper Association

09:15 Key speaker

The Role of Regulation

09:25 The ESCO Regulatory Innovation Panel – Keynotes
Pierre Langlois – Co-chair of the Global ESCO Network, President Econoler / SOFIAC

  • 09:40 Perspective from an ESCO association
    • Timothy Unruh – Executive Director, National Association of Energy Service Companies (US)
  • 09:50 Perspectives from an ESCO practitioner
  • 10:00 Perspectives from a Regulator
    • Jacobo Llerena – Deputy Director General of Energy Efficiency, Ministry for the Ecological Transition
  • 10:10 Perspectives from Research
    • Paolo Bertoldi – Senior Expert, European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre

10:20 Coffee Break

10:40 ESCO Supportive Regulatory Innovation Panel
Moderator: Karin Reiss-Haimbala – Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO
Every year, the Global ESCO Network takes stock among national ESCO associations of regulatory barriers for ESCOs and ESCO supportive regulatory frameworks. The analysis is not limited to ESCO-specific frameworks, but also covers conditions due to regulation not specific to ESCOs and frameworks facilitating ESCO investments. The panel will identify and discuss ways to overcome or circumvent these barriers and propose easy revisions that can benefit the sector.


  • Carlos Ballesteros – Director General, Asociación de Empresas de Servicios Energéticos
  • Dhevan Pillay – President, Energy Services Companies Association of Southern Africa
  • Emily McQualter – Manager, Global Partnerships, International Copper Association
  • Giulia D’angiolini – Principal Advisor on Sustainable Energy, Econoler
  • Mary Sotos – Director of the Federal Energy Management Program, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Zulkifli Zahari – Malaysia Association of Energy Service Companies (MAESCO)

12:00 Global ESCO Network Policy Advice

  • Søren Lütken – Chair of the Global ESCO Network, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

12:15 Lunch

ESCO Financing Innovation

13:30 The ESCO Financing Innovation Panel
Moderator: Svetlana Adamek – Senior Consultant, Adamek & Adamek Consulting
ESCOs face a range of challenges in securing financing for their projects and expanding on their project pipelines. These include availability and access to finance, the risk perception of ESCO projects and high transaction costs amongst others. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including policymakers, financial institutions, and the ESCO industry itself. The panel will discuss and shed light on how innovations revolving the three main topics of de-risking mechanisms, capitalization for ESCO projects and blended finance can help overcome these hurdles, paving the way for increased investment in the ESCO sector.

15:15 Coffee Break

ESCO Future Trends

15:45 Trends in contract models – from EE to integrated modes and carbon management

16:15 Verification in contracts

  • Mark Lister – Chair, Efficiency Valuation Organization

16:45 Messages, and concluding remarks

  • Søren Lütken – Co-Chair of the Global ESCO Network, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
  • Pierre Langlois – Co-chair of the Global ESCO Network, President Econoler / SOFIAC

17:15 Drinks and networking